Our stays


Have you ever surfed in the most beautiful place in France, the birthplace of surfing in Europe? Hiked the Basque mountains? Meditated and done yoga in front of the most beautiful peaks and sunsets in the West of France? During this stay, you’ll be able to disconnect from everyday life, meet new people, and discover the Basque Country with us. Gastronomy has a special place in this stay. Our chef will prepare gourmet dishes using local and vegan products (without any animal products). Book your stay now and come join us!


3 Surf lessons + video analysis at the end of the stay 3 Yoga sessions Hikes every day 1 vegan cooking workshop


Shared room for two or three people Supplement for single room Private bathroom Village of Espelette / Ustaritz, with mountain view


Full board (except 1 dinner in Biarritz during free time) Breakfast at the guest house, lunches (picnic) and evening meals included Homemade, organic, local and vegan cuisine (without any animal products)

Basque Country

Between mountains and ocean Meet and share experiences with locals Discover Basque traditions and culture Immerse yourself in nature

Retreat Overview

> Number of participants: 3 to 8

> Duration: 6 days, 5 nights

> The stay includes: Accommodation – Meals – Activities

> Accommodation: shared room or individual room with private bathroom in a guesthouse

> Activities: Surfing, hiking, yoga, a vegan cooking class

> Cuisine: gourmet, organic, vegan and local.

> Price: 1090 euros all inclusive per person.


Meeting at 2:00 p.m. to start the stay. We start with an easy first hike before reaching our wonderful guesthouse. You will have time to settle in, enjoy the view and slowly disconnect. To end this first beautiful day, nothing better than a yoga session at the foot of the mountains. Then it’s time to toast to the start of this holiday and to get to know each other. Ongi Etorri (Welcome!).
First mountain view breakfast Busy day ahead! We leave for our first surf lesson, followed by a picnic in a classic Basque spot. Then we’ll get ready for a nice hike. Back to Espelette for a good shower and a wonderful meal!
After breakfast, time off this morning. You can take the opportunity to stroll, sleep, read a book, shop in the village … disconnect! After lunch, option to go surfing, and then end the afternoon with a yoga session. Before a special dinner…
After breakfast, we leave for a beautiful hike and a picnic in the mountains. Then we’ll take a vegan cooking class with our chef! Free time this evening : a good opportunity to discover Biarritz and choose a restaurant of your choice.
Don’t miss breakfast this morning as we have a big day ahead: hiking in the morning, and surfing in the afternoon with our favorite teacher. After that, time for your video analysis and surf photos! Special meal tonight, since it’s our last dinner … It might get emotional!
Nothing like a last yoga session to end the trip on a high note. Then one last hike this morning. After all these efforts, a buffet will be waiting for us to close this wonderful week. At 2:00 p.m., it’s time for goodbyes …
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